
Stay hungry. Stay foolish.

Think Different

Mike Markkula Memo on Steve Jobs Principles

  1. Empathy


    Daniel Goleman

    Brené Brown

  2. Focus

    Focus x Emotional Intelligence

  3. **This One Word Changed Steve Jobs' Career: Impute**

    “Impute”: what does something signal when you first see it?

Steve Jobs in Sweden, 1985 [HQ]

Day in the Life: Steve Jobs

Walter Isaacson on Steve Jobs' Favorite Product: The Apple Team | Big Think

Steve Jobs talks about managing people

Steve Jobs rispondeva cosi alle domande difficili...

Apple Music Special Event 2005-The iPod Nano Introduction

Celebrating Steve | October 5

Come rispondere ad un insulto: Monty analizza Steve Jobs

Why Steve Jobs Didn't Use Social Media at All

Steve Jobs @ MIT 1992 - "What's the most important thing that you personally learned at Apple...?" I now take a longer-term view of people.